Guest House Assessment Easy/zh

From SQLZoo

Database Description | Easy Problems | Medium Problems | Hard Problems

住客編號 1183,列出他的入住日期,入住夜數。

SELECT first_name,last_name
FROM booking JOIN guest ON guest_id =
 WHERE room_no=101 AND booking_date='2016-11-17'
| booking_date | nights |
| 2016-11-27   |      5 |

列出在2016-11-05這天入住的旅客的名字(first name)和姓氏(last name),並在姓名之前列出到達時間,時間要順序排列。

| arrival_time | first_name | last_name |
| 14:00        | Lisa       | Nandy     |
| 15:00        | Jack       | Dromey    |
| 16:00        | Mr Andrew  | Tyrie     |
| 21:00        | James      | Heappey   |
| 22:00        | Justin     | Tomlinson |

Look up daily rates. Give the daily rate that should be paid for bookings with ids 5152, 5165, 5154 and 5295. Include booking id, room type, number of occupants and the amount.

| booking_id | room_type_requested | occupants | amount |
|       5152 | double              |         2 |  72.00 |
|       5154 | double              |         1 |  56.00 |
|       5295 | family              |         3 |  84.00 |

Who’s in 101? Find who is staying in room 101 on 2016-12-03, include first name, last name and address.

| first_name | last_name | address     |
| Graham     | Evans     | Weaver Vale |

How many bookings, how many nights? For guests 1185 and 1270 show the number of bookings made and the total number nights. Your output should include the guest id and the total number of bookings and the total number of nights.

| guest_id | COUNT(nights) | SUM(nights) |
|     1185 |             3 |           8 |
|     1270 |             2 |           3 |

Database Description | Easy Problems | Medium Problems | Hard Problems

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