Guest House Assessment Medium

From SQLZoo

Database Description | Easy Problems | Medium Problems | Hard Problems

Ruth Cadbury. Show the total amount payable by guest Ruth Cadbury for her room bookings. You should JOIN to the rate table using room_type_requested and occupants.

SELECT first_name,last_name
FROM booking JOIN guest ON guest_id =
 WHERE room_no=101 AND booking_date='2016-11-17'
| SUM(nights*amount) |
|             552.00 |

Including Extras. Calculate the total bill for booking 5346 including extras.

| SUM(amount) |
|      118.56 |

Edinburgh Residents. For every guest who has the word “Edinburgh” in their address show the total number of nights booked. Be sure to include 0 for those guests who have never had a booking. Show last name, first name, address and number of nights. Order by last name then first name.

| last_name | first_name | address                   | nights |
| Brock     | Deidre     | Edinburgh North and Leith |      0 |
| Cherry    | Joanna     | Edinburgh South West      |      0 |
| Murray    | Ian        | Edinburgh South           |     13 |
| Sheppard  | Tommy      | Edinburgh East            |      0 |
| Thomson   | Michelle   | Edinburgh West            |      3 |

How busy are we? For each day of the week beginning 2016-11-25 show the number of bookings starting that day. Be sure to show all the days of the week in the correct order.

| i          | arrivals |
| 2016-11-25 |        7 |
| 2016-11-26 |        8 |
| 2016-11-27 |       12 |
| 2016-11-28 |        7 |
| 2016-11-29 |       13 |
| 2016-11-30 |        6 |
| 2016-12-01 |        7 |

How many guests? Show the number of guests in the hotel on the night of 2016-11-21. Include all occupants who checked in that day but not those who checked out.

| SUM(occupants) |
|             39 |

Database Description | Easy Problems | Medium Problems | Hard Problems

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