From SQLZoo

JOIN quiz

id mdate stadium team1 team2
1001 8 June 2012 National Stadium, Warsaw POL GRE
1002 8 June 2012 Stadion Miejski (Wroclaw) RUS CZE
1003 12 June 2012 Stadion Miejski (Wroclaw) GRE CZE
1004 12 June 2012 National Stadium, Warsaw POL RUS
matchid teamid player gtime
1001 POL Robert Lewandowski 17
1001 GRE Dimitris Salpingidis 51
1002 RUS Alan Dzagoev 15
1001 RUS Roman Pavlyuchenko 82
id teamname coach
POL Poland Franciszek Smuda
RUS Russia Dick Advocaat
CZE Czech Republic Michal Bilek
GRE Greece Fernando Santos
You want to find the stadium where player 'Dimitris Salpingidis' scored. Select the JOIN condition to use:
 eteam JOIN game ON (id=team1)
 eteam JOIN game ON (id=team2)
 eteam JOIN goal ON (teamid=id)
 game  JOIN goal ON (id=matchid)
 game  JOIN goal ON (team1=teamid OR team2=teamid)
You JOIN the tables goal and eteam in an SQL statement. Indicate the list of column names that may be used in the SELECT line:
 gtime, mdate, stadium, matchid
 mdate, stadium, id
 matchid, teamid, player, gtime, id, teamname, coach
 matchid, teamid, player, gtime, mdate, stadium, team1
 stadium, team1, team2
Select the code which shows players, their team and the amount of goals they scored against Greece(GRE).
SELECT player, teamid, COUNT(*)
  FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
 WHERE (team1 = "GRE" OR team2 = "GRE")
   AND teamid != 'GRE'
 GROUP BY player, teamid
SELECT player, teamid, COUNT(*)
  FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
 WHERE (team1 = "GRE") AND teamid != 'GRE'
 GROUP BY player, teamid
SELECT player, teamid, COUNT(*)
  FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
 WHERE (team1 = "POL" OR team2 = "POL")
   AND teamid != 'POL'
 GROUP BY player, teamid
SELECT player, teamid, COUNT(*)
  FROM game JOIN goal WITH matchid = id
 WHERE (team1 = "GRE" OR team2 = "GRE")
   AND teamid != 'GRE'
 GROUP BY player, teamid
SELECT player, teamid
  FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
 WHERE (team1 = "GRE" OR team2 = "GRE")
   AND teamid != 'GRE'
 GROUP BY player, teamid
Select the result that would be obtained from this code:
SELECT DISTINCT teamid, mdate
  FROM goal JOIN game on (matchid=id)
 WHERE mdate = '9 June 2012'
DEN9 June 2012
GER9 June 2012
DEN9 June 2012
DEN9 June 2012
POL9 June 2012
RUS9 June 2012
RUS9 June 2012
GRE9 June 2012
RUS9 June 2012
CZE9 June 2012
Select the code which would show the player and their team for those who have scored against Poland(POL) in National Stadium, Warsaw.
  SELECT DISTINCT player, teamid 
  FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id 
  WHERE stadium = 'National Stadium, Warsaw' 
 AND (team1 = 'GER' OR team2 = 'GER')
   AND teamid != 'GER'
  SELECT DISTINCT player, teamid 
   FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id 
  WHERE stadium = 'National Stadium, Warsaw' 
 AND (team1 = 'POL' OR team2 = 'POL')
   AND teamid != 'POL'
 SELECT DISTINCT player, teamid 
   FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id 
  WHERE stadium = 'National Stadium, Warsaw' AND teamid != 'POL'
 SELECT DISTINCT player, teamid 
   FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id 
  WHERE stadium = 'Stadion Miejski (Wroclaw)' 
 AND (team1 = 'POL' OR team2 = 'POL')
  AND teamid != 'POL'
 SELECT DISTINCT stadium, mdate 
   FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id 
  WHERE stadium = 'National Stadium, Warsaw' 
 AND (team1 = 'POL' OR team2 = 'POL')
  AND teamid != 'POL'
Select the code which shows the player, their team and the time they scored, for players who have played in Stadion Miejski (Wroclaw) but not against Italy(ITA).
SELECT DISTINCT player, teamid, gtime
  FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
 WHERE stadium = 'National Stadium, Warsaw'
   AND (( teamid = team2 AND team1 != 'ITA') OR ( teamid = team1 AND team2 != 'ITA'))
SELECT DISTINCT player, teamid, gtime
  FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
 WHERE stadium = 'Stadion Miejski (Wroclaw)'
   AND (( teamid = team2 AND team1 != 'ESP') OR ( teamid = team1 AND team2 != 'ESP'))
SELECT DISTINCT player, teamid, gtime
  FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
 WHERE stadium = 'Stadion Miejski (Wroclaw)'
   AND (( teamid = team2 AND team1 != 'ITA') OR ( teamid = team1 AND team2 != 'ITA'))
SELECT DISTINCT teamid, gtime
  FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
 WHERE stadium = 'Stadion Miejski (Wroclaw)'
   AND (( teamid = team2 AND team1 != 'ITA') OR ( teamid = team1 AND team2 != 'ITA'))
SELECT DISTINCT player, teamid, gtime
  FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
 WHERE team1 != 'ITA' AND team2 !='ITA'
Select the result that would be obtained from this code:
SELECT teamname, COUNT(*)
  FROM eteam JOIN goal ON teamid = id
 GROUP BY teamname
Republic of Ireland1
Republic of Ireland
Republic of Ireland1
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