What are the columns of the cia table?

From SQLZoo

What are the columns of the bbc table

SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master
WHERE name='bbc'
SELECT * FROM syscat.columns
WHERE tabname='BBC'
SELECT attnum,attname from pg_class, pg_attribute
WHERE relname='bbc'
  AND pg_class.oid=attrelid
  AND attnum > 0
SELECT * FROM all_tab_columns
 WHERE table_name='BBC'
SELECT syscolumns.* 
FROM syscolumns JOIN sysobjects
       ON syscolumns.id=sysobjects.id
WHERE sysobjects.name='bbc'
show columns from bbc
SELECT syscolumns.* 
FROM syscolumns JOIN sysobjects
       ON syscolumns.id=sysobjects.id
WHERE sysobjects.name='bbc'
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