Template:JOIN tables 2

From SQLZoo
Field name Type Notes
id INTEGER An arbitrary unique identifier
title CHAR(70) The name of the film - usually in the language of the first release.
yr DECIMAL(4) Year of first release.
director INT A reference to the actor table.
budget INTEGER How much the movie cost to make (in a variety of currencies unfortunately).
gross INTEGER How much the movie made at the box office.
Field name Type Notes
id INTEGER An arbitrary unique identifier
name CHAR(36) The name of the actor (the term actor is used to refer to both male and female thesps.)
Field name Type Notes
movieid INTEGER A reference to the movie table.
actorid INTEGER A reference to the actor table.
ord INTEGER The ordinal position of the actor in the cast list. The

star of the movie will have ord value 1 the co-star will have

value 2, ...
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