Southwind hard

From SQLZoo

Southwind database: hard questions

Produce an exceptions list. There are three kinds of exception:

  • RETURN - a customer returns a product
  • INCOMPLETE - a customer is sent an incomplete shipment
  • OUTSTANDING - an order has not been shipped

The exceptions list should show the customer/supplier id and name, the date, the exception code, the product involved and any other details that are available - such as the explanation

For each item, calculate the total number currently in stock based on the most recent stock check and deliveries/shipments since that date. You should assume that customer returned items are put back in stock

Identify the best selling product line for each month. The best selling product is the one with the greatest value of orders.

Produce a bar chart showing the total capital value of the stock week by week for the 8 weeks from 11th January to 1st March 2007. The bar chart may have horizontal bars made of characters

Obtain a list of discrepancies in the stock levels

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