Read tables from another schema/database
A particular server may support a number of different sets of tables. In Oracle these are schemas in MySQL they are databases. In both cases each user normally has their own set of tables, other users tables may be accessed using a dot notation.
Access does not do this kind of thing.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM haggis.tat
SELECT * FROM onedb.dbo.table1
The current implementation of postgres does not allow this. However support will be included in release 7.3 as a new feature.
Thanks to Derek Barrett for this advice.
haggis is another user with a table called tat.
To connect to a table called table on a database called onedb, you need to know the owner of the schema for which that database is defined. Most tables default to schema owner dbo. So, you would type: select * from onedb.dbo.table If you have more than one MS server installed, add the server to the beginning of the string: select * from server1.onedb.dbo.table
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