
From SQLZoo

Here you are shown how to break your query down by range.

DROP TABLE population;
CREATE TABLE population (
   id INT,
   age INT,
   spend INT );
INSERT INTO population VALUES (1,34,100);
INSERT INTO population VALUES (2,31,110);
INSERT INTO population VALUES (3,24,140);
INSERT INTO population VALUES (4,35,130);
INSERT INTO population VALUES (5,39,120);

In this example if you want to see how much different age groups spend

then you will have to group the individuals in specific ranges.

First you use ROUND to group together the different age groups.

You then use the AVG function to find the average they spend.

Finally you use a CONCAT function to make the age ranges more clear.

SELECT (low-5) || '-' || (low+4) AS the_range,
  FROM (SELECT ROUND(age,-1) AS low,
               AVG(spend)    AS avgSpend
          FROM population
          GROUP BY ROUND(age,-1)) t
SELECT CONCAT(low-5,'-' ,low+4) AS the_range,
  FROM (SELECT ROUND(age,-1) AS low,
               AVG(spend)    AS avgSpend
          FROM population
          GROUP BY ROUND(age,-1)) t
SELECT STR(low-5) + '-' + STR(low+4) AS the_range,
  FROM (SELECT ROUND(age,-1) AS low,
               AVG(spend)    AS avgSpend
          FROM population
          GROUP BY ROUND(age,-1)) t
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