Putty and winscp off campus

From SQLZoo

Start WinScp to connect inf08104.napier.ac.uk

Get WinScp and Putty

Start WinScp

Click New

Enter details of the server

Enter the target machine

You are off campus so you must tunnel in via socweb8.napier.ac.uk

  • Tick Advanced Options

Create a new file (called mksrs.sql or similar)

Write your SQL and Save

Try it in mysql

  • Start putty, connect to inf08104.napier.ac.uk - but go via socweb8.napier.ac.uk

When putty gets to socweb8 it immediately connects to inf08104

  • Go into the mysql prompt
    mysql -u 40000036 -ptiger 40000036
  • Load in the file
    \. mksrc.sql

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