
From SQLZoo

The "Neeps" database includes details of all teaching events in the School of Computing at Napier University in Semester 1 of the 2000/2001 academic year.

Graduated questions

The timetable database contains the following tables:

id name
co.ACg Cumming, Andrew
co.ACr Crerar, Dr Alison
co.AFA Armitage, Dr Alistair
... Result truncated.

The staff table simply gives the unique identifier for each member of staff together with their full name.

id name sze parent
co1.BAe BAe 15
co1.CO Computing 1st Year 150
co1.CO.a Computing 1st Year a 20 co1.CO
co1.CO.c Computing 1st Year c 20 co1.CO
co1.CO.d Computing 1st Year d 20 co1.CO
... Result truncated.

Each entry in the student table represents a group of students who follow the same timetable. The parent field is used to maintain a hierachy of groups. A student in group co1.CO.a is also in group co1.CO

id name capacity parent
co.117+118 32
co.117 16 co.117+118
co.118 16 co.117+118
co.B7 40
... result truncated

All classrooms are listed in the room table. The parent relation is used to maintain groupings. The row co.117+118 represents a pair of rooms - sometimes these rooms are used for a single event.

id modle kind dow tod duration room
co12004.L01 co12004 L Wednesday 11:00 1 cr.SMH
co12004.L02 co12004 L Monday 17:00 1 cr.B13
co12004.T01 co12004 T Monday 11:00 2 co.G78+G82
co12004.T02 co12004 T Tuesday 15:00 2 co.B7
co12004.T03 co12004 T Tuesday 13:00 2 co.G78+G82
... Result truncated.

Every event is associated with a single modle (deliberately mis-spelled version of module - which is a reserved word in one of engines). An event occurs on a particular day of the week (dow) at a particular time of day (tod). Every event has a duration specified as a whole number of hours.

student event
co1.BAe co12004.L01
co1.CO co12004.L01
co1.IS co12004.L01 co12004.L02
co1.CO.a co12004.T01
... Result truncated.

The attends table links event to student. It realises the many to many relation.

staff event
co.AMn co12004.L01
co.RK co12004.L01
co.SRM co12004.L01
co.RK co12004.L02
co.SRM co12004.L02
... Result truncated.

The teaches table links event to staff.

event week
co12004.L01 01
co12004.L01 02
co12004.L01 03
co12004.L01 04
co12004.L01 05
... Result truncated.

Most events occur on weeks 01 to 13. This table records exactly which weeks are part of the plan for each event.

id name
co12001 Rapid Application Development
co12002 Software Development 1A
co12003 Professional Skills
co12004 Applications Workshop
... Result truncated.

By the 21st century, the Gradgrindians had completed their assimilation of Education. The process of "modularisation" was just one of their crimes against learning.

id wkstart
01 02/10/00
02 09/10/00
03 16/10/00
...Result truncated
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