The "Neeps" database includes details of all teaching events in the School of Computing at Napier University in Semester 1 of the 2000/2001 academic year.
Graduated questions
The timetable database contains the following tables:
id | name |
co.ACg | Cumming, Andrew |
co.ACr | Crerar, Dr Alison |
co.AFA | Armitage, Dr Alistair |
... Result truncated. |
The staff table simply gives the unique identifier for each
member of staff together with their full name.
id | name | sze | parent |
co1.BAe | BAe | 15 | |
co1.CO | Computing 1st Year | 150 | |
co1.CO.a | Computing 1st Year a | 20 | co1.CO |
co1.CO.c | Computing 1st Year c | 20 | co1.CO |
co1.CO.d | Computing 1st Year d | 20 | co1.CO |
... Result truncated. |
Each entry in the student table represents a group of students
who follow the same timetable.
The parent field is used to maintain a hierachy of groups.
A student in group co1.CO.a is also in group co1.CO
id | name | capacity | parent |
co.117+118 | | 32 | |
co.117 | | 16 | co.117+118 |
co.118 | | 16 | co.117+118 |
co.B7 | | 40 | |
... result truncated |
All classrooms are listed in the room table.
The parent relation is used to maintain groupings.
The row co.117+118 represents a pair of rooms - sometimes these rooms are
used for a single event.
id | modle | kind | dow | tod | duration | room |
co12004.L01 | co12004 | L | Wednesday | 11:00 | 1 | cr.SMH |
co12004.L02 | co12004 | L | Monday | 17:00 | 1 | cr.B13 |
co12004.T01 | co12004 | T | Monday | 11:00 | 2 | co.G78+G82 |
co12004.T02 | co12004 | T | Tuesday | 15:00 | 2 | co.B7 |
co12004.T03 | co12004 | T | Tuesday | 13:00 | 2 | co.G78+G82 |
... Result truncated. |
Every event is associated with a single modle (deliberately mis-spelled version of module - which is a reserved word in one of engines).
An event occurs on a particular day of the week (dow ) at a particular time of day (tod ).
Every event has a duration specified as a whole number of hours.
student | event |
co1.BAe | co12004.L01 |
co1.CO | co12004.L01 |
co1.IS | co12004.L01 | | co12004.L02 |
co1.CO.a | co12004.T01 |
... Result truncated. |
The attends table links event to student . It realises the many to many relation.
staff | event |
co.AMn | co12004.L01 |
co.RK | co12004.L01 |
co.SRM | co12004.L01 |
co.RK | co12004.L02 |
co.SRM | co12004.L02 |
... Result truncated. |
The teaches table links event to staff .
event | week |
co12004.L01 | 01 |
co12004.L01 | 02 |
co12004.L01 | 03 |
co12004.L01 | 04 |
co12004.L01 | 05 |
... Result truncated. |
Most events occur on weeks 01 to 13. This table records exactly
which weeks are part of the plan for each event.
id | name |
co12001 | Rapid Application Development |
co12002 | Software Development 1A |
co12003 | Professional Skills |
co12004 | Applications Workshop |
... Result truncated. |
By the 21st century, the Gradgrindians had completed their
assimilation of Education.
The process of "modularisation" was just one of their crimes
against learning.
id | wkstart |
01 | 02/10/00 |
02 | 09/10/00 |
03 | 16/10/00 |
...Result truncated |
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