MoL Chapter 2
From chapter 2
Show all the data in the table world
Show the continent and name
SELECT continent, name FROM world
Show the details of France
SELECT name, population, capital, continent
FROM world
WHERE name='France'
Show the Countries of North America
SELECT name, continent
FROM world
WHERE continent='North America'
Which country has an area of 103000?
SELECT name, continent
FROM world
WHERE area=103000
Try It Now
What country has Beijing as the capital?
FROM world
WHERE capital='Beijing'
What is the capital of United Kingdom
SELECT capital
FROM world
WHERE name='United Kingdom'
What countries take the name of their capital city?
SELECT name, capital
FROM world
WHERE name=capital
Show the countries with more than 200 million
SELECT name, population
FROM world
WHERE population>200000000
Show the countries after Y in the alphabet
SELECT name, continent
FROM world
WHERE name>'Y'